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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 18, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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welcome cnn. then, the mobile. >> this is the message i was waiting for. >> so when everything works, we're kind of like whoo! we got it. >> reporter: today, they hope the internet will finally go where no internet has gone before. for out front, jason carroll, cnn, buffalo. and thanks to jason and to all of you for joining us. anderson starts now. erin, thank you, good evening everyone, breaking news on two fronts about toronto's crack-smoking mayor, rob ford, and the man who just can't seem to stay out of the headlines, george zimmerman, he has had a new mug shot. and why his girlfriend said she is afraid for her life. the 911 tape just came out, listen. >> are you serious? >> i -- i need police right now.
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>> okay, what is your address? >> ma'am, ma'am -- what is going on? >> he is in my house breaking all of my stuff because i asked him to leave. he has his fricking gun, just broke my sunglasses, and you put your gun in my freaking face. >> more from that 911 call. there is also a 911 call from george zimmerman. tonight, deadly tornadoes, as well in the united states. the relief effort in the philippines. and a new warning about the heart drug, statins, that millions of americans take. we begin, now, though, with rob ford, toronto's mayor, the poster child for bad behavior in politics. he acted out again in the toronto city council. short time later, the city council took action stripping most of his powers and handing it over to the deputy mayor.
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that is the breaking news. this happened while his brother, doug, was in an argument with other city council members. he later apologized for knocking the woman over. there was that today. and the saturday night live routine over the weekend, the st. patrick's day bender allegations last week, and the of course, i was too drunk to remember the crack smoking moment". >> i did not use crack cocaine, nor am i an addict of crack cocaine. >> yes, i have smoked crack, but am i an addict? have you tried it? probably indrunken stupor, none of you guys have ever, ever had a drink and gotten behind
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the wheel, i know that. have i drank, done drugs, yes. i'll do a drug test. >> i have never said that in my life to her. there is nothing else to say, guys, i really effed up. and that is it. >> and given all that you may wonder why he is still in office. you may wonder why some still support him, some still do, although many are embarrassed. he is the mayor of a great city like toronto. >> wow, it sounds like you are a man under tremendous burdens this week, how has this week been for you? >> it is all self-inflicted. it is all of my fault. i made mistakes, you own up to it. you move on. >> so in his very next breath, rob ford moves on. >> i went down to city hall, these people are just not happy,
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these council -- they want me out. the media wants me out. the chief of police wants me out. i'm not going anywhere. >> the setting for this interview is more than a little surreal. this is the rec room of a suburban toronto housing project which is filled with loyal and vocal members of ford nation. >> these folks love you, but do you realize how you're perceived around the rest of the country? have you seen the comics? >> that is right, they don't know rob ford. >> things start relatively sedate, but when i ask why he decided to admit his crack use after months of denial, he gets so angry. >> i was just sick and tired of all the allegations, excuse my words, that is all it is, sorry, i shouldn't swear in front of the kids on tv, you know, i'm paying my taxes, i made mistake,
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i'm human. >> but can't you see why some would question your judgment? >> so what? just lie? >> you said you didn't do it in the first place. >> you're wrong what they said, they said, do you smoke crack and are you a crack addict? no, i don't smoke crack and i'm not a crack addict, have i? yes, i have. i don't lie, i haven't smoked crack in over a year. but did i? come on. >> but that is semantics. >> you guys are typical media, all cut from the same cloth. >> but if we hope for a moment of contrition? how do we find ourselves in the middle of a rob ford rant in the middle of the projects? interesting story, it actually started here on "ac360" friday
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night. we look forward to having you by toronto one day. 18 hours later i found myself unloading toys from ford's suv, outside the queen's projects in the heart of their war. now coming from america, it is a little disconcerts seeing people living on government assistance, after all, they rose to power by promising to end the gravy train. >> everybody keeps saying rob is a conservative. he is a huge, massive social liberal. he loves obama. >> weeks before i visited the ford neighborhood where this photograph was taken. here i met a community organizer, trying to use his computer lab to keep these kids out of trouble. he described his disgust for mayor ford. >> i never see bad or good help, i never see it at all. >> reporter: but out here at queen's plate with doug at my
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side, different story. people line up to voice their devotion to the brothers, and there are real moments of emotion. but as we wait for the mayor, doug's unscripted style of public relation takes a turn when a long-time resident comes over to complain about the cops, and as they try to nudge him to the door, he says this. >> i know a lot of people that bought hash from you. >> reporter: awkward, because they dug into his checkered past, and reported he spent time as a hash dealer. that is not the first time i heard you slung hash. >> no, i was not slinging hash, i said 30 years ago i smoked marijuana, i didn't deal
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marijuana. if you want to go -- calling going to your buddy, saying there is a joint for ten bucks, if that is what you want to call it? >> reporter: much of their strategy is to paint their foes as hypocrites. have you smoked marijuana? do you think street drugs should be legal? >> i definitely think medical marijuana should be. >> reporter: you don't think it is a street drug? >> i don't think so, i don't think alcohol is good, put it this way, if you compare alcohol to someone smoking a joint, if somebody is going to drink or get hammered and somebody smokes a joint, you're going out with him? my opinion, i'm going out with a guy nice and calm. >> but the same argument could be made for marijuana and crack. >> that is nasty stuff. absolutely nasty. so asking your fellow council members, how many of you smoked crack? >> i asked them about cocaine, they were silent, they were silent. i thought okay, you sob, you
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were sitting there criticizing rob, meanwhile, i got three phone calls that you almost got fired because you were wired on cocaine back in the 80s. later, rob sums it up. >> he is a very smart man, the ones, what they said, they don't talk like that. i think maybe he drank. crack, i don't know, people can set him up, too. you know. >> oh, you think he might have been set up? >> yeah. >> well, he admitted to smoking crack. >> well, maybe he just got fed up with everything. >> but what kind of message does it send to the kids here? >> you make just a little mistake, you can get forgiveness. >> an hour passes, then comes an excited commotion. here is here, there are hugs, photographs and the most controversial politician on the continent is back among the people who love him.
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but his smile will disappear when the questions come. things will get tense. >> it is typical media. >> i -- kind of stunned that he told you that basically, he never denied smoking crack, the reporters just didn't ask him the right questions and the right wording. >> yeah, it is interesting, because he misheard my question. i said this indicates a lack of judgment, you know the fact that you did it in the first place. but he went to that talking point which he has been hammering for a while, which is i never denied i did it, you just never asked me the right question. >> just ridiculous. >> it is completely ridiculous. and a lot of specialists would say that is a symptom of denial, a pure sign of denial. we had a little technical difficulty with the piece, we wanted to show you the number of times people specifically asked him if he had done drugs, if he had done illegal drugs while in offers, and he never went anywhere near that question.
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>> and the toronto city council making him a figurehead, how the mayor plans to mobilize the supposed ford nation. >> i'm not an addict, i'm not an alcoholic, i'm not a drug addict. >> let me know if you think he is a drug addict, follow me at anderson cooper. and later, george zimmerman back in jail after a confrontation with his girlfriend. listen for yourself, you can decide who you believe.
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. welcome back, breaking news tonight. toronto mayor rob ford stripped of the bulk of his powers, the
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mayor vowing outright war in response, he is nothing if not combative. he is more from his brother. >> reporter: in downtown toronto, mayor rob ford is the target of almost daily protests. on the council floor of city hall, he is a political pariah. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the past two years? >> yes, i have. >> reporter: and on "saturday night live," he is an open and shut punch line. but in the housing project in the heart of the suburban ford nation, he is the greatest public servant they have known. >> and we're praying for you every day. to stay. >> what i always say, there are more poor people than there are rich people and i stick up for the poor people. that is the bottom line, so. >> reporter: his brother invited us here to witness this love, a counterweight to the political
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foes downtown. doing all they can to strip him of his power to lead. >> i'm interested in the votes. it was 41-2 to strip you of your powers. from the outside, it seems like you guys are political outcasts? >> you know how you make friends at city hall? just spend more money, let them have free trips, do whatever you want with your money, not taxpayers' money and turn around and cry poor, they say we don't have any money, yes, we have enough money, more than enough money. >> reporter: do you have any political allies left? did you ever have any in the beginning? >> you know, the power of the people, i'll knock day in and day out to knock these councils off, i'll target the areas to knock them off. >> reporter: really? >> oh, yeah, i'll bring ford nation far and wide. >> reporter: so you have other candidates to repeat what you guys have done?
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>> yes. >> reporter: really? >> 100%. we make chicago politics look like a tea party. it is vicious. >> bill, you show another city that has been turned likely this one, it is more safe, we have more jobs, we created over 50,000 jobs in one year last year. >> but taken all of that, given all of that, couldn't you be even more effective if you were a little healthier in your life-style? >> i'm trying to lose weight, i'm not perfect -- >> but why not see an addiction specialist -- >> i'm not an addict, i'm not a drug addict. >> how much do you want him to do? >> i'm not an addict, you guys can spin it. these people know that i'm not. i show up every day to work. sure, i have gone to a party and got a couple of drinks in me, i had good times.
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have you ever got drunk before, bill? >> of course. but i'm not running the biggest city in canada. >> this is this thing, i don't look at myself as the mayor, i look at myself as a regular, normal person. >> it is not going to be about us anymore. >> it is enough, guys, so i'm packing, sorry -- >> just one more question, this is the one that really gets it from me. i know a lot of people who would party their brains out, but they're parents. and they dial it back because of their kids. >> yeah, i don't do that. >> but here is my question, i'm sure you're insulting your children from what is going on now? >> absolutely, i'm the best father now. >> and there is going to come a day. >> i take my kids out, and i'm straight for my kids. i go to my daughter's dance lesson. i teach my son how to skate. and my wife supports them. she had issues. you just dismiss them? you just walk away? i don't walk away from anybody
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in life. i'm supporting people, i'm sick of all the rich elitist people. they're perfect, they don't do nothing, get out of here they don't do nothing. they're the biggest crooks around. >> all right, just don't take it personal, bill. >> there are so many questions to ask about the investigation into the murder of the man for this photo, why he dropped the "p" bomb on television and brought his wife to the party. but on this night, rob ford is done, there is one more moment, he stops to laugh, talks football with our producer. >> your heart is back in california, eh? >> i have never been there, but all of these guys -- >> charlie sheen, all of these guys want me to go down there. >> charlie sheen wants him to go down there. does he have no self control?
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yelling in front of kids, what is it like to be there? >> he sort of has the impulse control of a young boy, we saw the emotional swaying from anger to jocularity. he is real, that is the one thing you can say for this guy. we complain about politicians to have their personalities surgically extracted, that is why these people love him. >> he says that smoking crack was probably during one of his drunken stupors. >> it is very much the idea that yeah, i work 60 hour weeks. if i want to get hammered on a friday night that shouldn't affect how i do my job. a lot of supporters feel that way, as well. and even though his sister has battled addiction and publicly acknowledged that, as well. his brother, convicted for
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drug-related problems, as well. his brother, doug, a tea-totaler, he likes to get go. in the first accusation you saw he likes to sling hash when he was a young boy. yeah, he thinks he is fine, he resist, he says he is seeing professionals but you get a sense he is saying what people just want to hear. >> bill weir, for more on this story, go to and george zimmerman sits in a florida jail cell tonight charged with pointing a shotgun at his girlfriend. the story is still developing. we'll have the latest details, including the nef911 calls. also, the video from the philippines, the scope like you have not seen it before. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch.
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more breaking news tonight, george zimmerman in trouble with the law it seems yet again. the sheriff's office in seminole county, florida, charged george zimmerman with aggravated assault which is a felony, for allegedly pointing a gun at his girlfriend. this is his mug shot earlier today, when he was taken into custody. he was also charged with battery and criminal mischief. >> are you serious? >> what is your address? >> you're -- >> ma'am, ma'am -- what is going on? >> he is in my house breaking all of my stuff because i asked him to leave. he has a fricking gun breaking
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all of my stuff now. >> okay. >> i'm doing this again? you just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses and you put your gun in my [ bleep ] face and told me to get the [ bleep ] out. this is out at your house, now, get out of here. >> what is your name? where is his weapon at? >> he just put it down. >> okay, and this is -- >> get out of my house, do not push me out of my house, please get out of my house. >> calm down. >> are you serious right now? i'm sorry -- he just pushed me out of my house and locked me out. >> okay, you're outside now? >> yeah, he locked me out of my house. >> turns out george zimmerman called 911, as well, and told the operator he wanted everyone to know the truth. here is part of that. >> were there weapons involved?
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>> i don't have a weapon, she has weapons in her house. she has a 9 mm, i have my firearms. she was throwing my stuff out and one of the bags was one of my firearms. i never pulled a firearm, i never displayed it. when i was packing it, i'm sure she thought -- we keep it next to the bed. >> okay, is her weapon put up? >> i have no idea. it is hers. >> what about your weapon? >> it is in a bag locked. >> tonight, george zimmerman is held without bail, set to go before a judge tomorrow afternoon. he has obviously had several run-ins with law enforcement since the summer when he was found not guilty of murdering trayvon martin. he has been stopped twice for speeding and has been involved with altercations with his ex-wife, as well. sunny, what do you make of this?
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on one hand, you think if you're george zimmerman you would be extra skafl about this sort of thing, but -- >> that is right, you know, it is interesting, i've been involved in the criminal justice system for years, my entire career is with defense. i do believe it is criminal behavior when you see this type of anger, especially compounded with somebody who knows the law, somebody who knows the system. that is what i hear, he uses the catch phrase, i displayed my firearm. it is locked in a bag, you know, when you hear that and you see that it just strikes me again as someone who knows how to game the system. >> there seems to be a discrepancy, because he says the 911 call, in the handgun, there are not only the handguns but an ar-15 handgun. >> and he is shoving it in her face. i have to tell you again, it sounds like to me she was fearful. and it also sounds to me like
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george zimmerman is familiar as somebody who knows how to game the system. what concerns me, even though he has been charged with domestic violence, in order for the charges to stick you need the victim's cooperation. i think we heard somebody who was clearly afraid, but will she follow through? >> but doesn't it boil down to he said, she said, clearly, one person is lying. because george zimmerman says she broke the table with something. she is pregnant. she said get out. he agreed to go. that set her off. that is clearly not her perception of what happened. >> yeah, and frankly this is not even unusual for a dialogue when it comes to domestic cases. you listen to both of those 911 calls, this is like thousands of these cases that go on every day. if you listen to each individual story it doesn't even sound like they're describing the same night. which is why a lot of people in criminal justice when it comes to domestic issues, they say you know what?
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those two can have each other. the bottom line is we may never find out what happened to these two, because their stories were completely opposite of each other. i will add this, number one, prosecutions go forward all the time without the complainant. in fact, prosecutors proceed all the time in these cases, usually the wife doesn't want to go forward with the case but the prosecution has to be able to go forward even if she doesn't comply. >> and i think that is true, danny. i have tried these cases without the victim and i think you're right about that. but in a case like this as you mentioned where you have a he said, she said, two people both calling 911 and giving polar opposite explanations, you really need the alleged victim to be on board. if there are injuries, then yes that makes the case stronger, but you need her on board. >> obviously, if a shotgun and an ar-15 is found that would seem to back up her story, whereas he didn't mention anything about a shotgun and an
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ar-15. >> not at all. everybody knows they both apparently possessed lawful weapons in the home. so the fact, george zimmerman's story if it is to be believed, it was in a bag. obviously the police didn't believe that. and her story was he waved it in front of her, they're completely different stories, but i have to ask everybody, what will we say if this girlfriend gets back with george zimmerman, then what will we say? how credible will she be then? >> coming up, an incredible new new of devastation, it is really hard to see it. the drone video, showing typhoon haiyan. also a deadly tornado ripping for the midwest in the united states. gary tuckman is in washington, and illinois, the images where the home was destroyed.
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well, three u.s. military ships are heading for the
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philippines carrying 900 marines to help with relief efforts, as well as supplies in the wake of the deadly typhoon haiyan. more than 18,000 injured, more than 1600 still missing. of course, it is not the numbers that best tell the impact the sup super typhoon has had on the area. we have incredible image from drone cameras showing the sheer devastation. >> reporter: the howl of a typhoon that was off the charts. whipping up amounts of water that washed lives off the map. this for theage was taken by an aid worker in this town, almost as close as you could come to dying, yet still survive. it has been ten days since the super typhoon ripped through the
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philippines, and as the death toll continues steadily to mount, new video shows how areas were dragged away. but it is only if you take a video camera into the air that you can begin to get a handle on the true dimension of this disaster. haiyan lashed to shore -- and tacloban's mayor was in its eye. they took refuge in its rafters. just feet below, killer waves. a short distance away, the wind sliced through city hall. for government official videoed these scenes. days on, debris that was once a
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city stubbornly refuses to give up the bodies of all of those who perished, or to give back the livelihoods smashed by the tempest. >> what is the latest there, carl on the ground in terms of the aid effort? are you actually starting to see aid in large quantities getting to those who need it most? >> reporter: well, anderson, this is a multi-tracker for right now. on the one hand you still have work going on to recover bodies. we have been talking to an american team that are handling cadaver dogs. they have been working down there by the shoreline, and they still say there is just far too much debris, to get to the bodies underneath. they simply don't have the heavy lifting equipment they need. then, on the other hand, if you listen to the government they say aid is arriving to survivors on a conveyer belt. well, we haven't seen it yet.
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but the bottle necks that you described last week here in tacloban, and the kind of thing we saw after hurricane katrina and after the hurricane in haiti, they're working on the bottlenecks, that is the good news. and aid is starting to arrive here. there is a lot of aid with the trucks and so people are getting drinking water and tin goods, as well. that is the good news, in other positive news, we're seeing the markets coming back to life. people slaughtering and roasting pigs for sale. and also the signs that fresh fruit is coming in from the countryside as well, anderson. >> all right, thank you, here at home, another cruel example of mother nature's wrath. the national weather service confirms a tornado that ripped through the community of washington, illinois, packed winds of 170 to 190 miles an hour. they were reciting the lord's
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prayer as they recorded the storm. the mayor said more than 500 homes were destroyed or at least damaged. at least six people were killed as the tornado touched down, one person was killed in michigan, the tornadoes struck in indiana and wisconsin, but washington, illinois was hit especially hard. that is where gary tuckman reports tonight. >> reporter: this is the tornado that came through washington, illinois. a frightening and increasingly fearful image in this video. but what is unique about this video. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: is that the man shooting it kept shooting it as it started to destroy his house. it could have been the last thing chris lancaster ever did. but he survived. >> i got hit by some debris or something and it cut my eye in three places. >> reporter: his wife and children survived, too, but this is what happened to their house, gone, even they can barely recognize it. >> this is my bedroom right
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here. i was sleeping on that side of the bed. and when the sirens went off and the wife yelled at me, i jumped up, put running clothes on and went through the house, i checked on the kids here. i went through this way, it was my kitchen. >> reporter: incredibly, the plates in the kitchen were untouched, the rest of the kitchen, destroyed. the home was their dream house. >> reporter: after you came out of the basement and saw what the tornado did to your house, were you shocked you survived? >> yes, i don't know how anybody made it through this. >> reporter: mandy did not want her husband to shoot the video, but he was transfixed. that water tower over there, just to the left of it is when i saw it come across, come across. >> reporter: it was not until after the tornado hit that chris joined his family in the basement. the day after, they looked for
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keep sakes. >> ha ha. the video of my wedding. >> reporter: and they try to figure out what happens next. >> i don't know where to go, what to do. all i can do is just stand here and look at it. >> reporter: like so many families here, chris, mandy, their children, have lost almost everything. but right now this family prefers to focus on what they still have. each other. >> all i can say is i have three angels, i have my father, my grandparents, my family is my guardian angels. they say you have to stay here and look after your family. >> reporter: gary tuckman joins us right now, there are a lot of places, particularly washington where there is such extreme dama damage. were there basements where people could get into basements? >> well, that is something we dealt with a lot in this spring, anderson, the death toll was higher than we feared because so
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many people in oklahoma didn't have basements. remember the school where so many children died and didn't have basements? but there are so many basements here in washington, that is where people were. and we should point out meteorologists did a great job. they knew, they warned everybody yesterday that it could be a deadly day for tornadoes. people took the warning seriously, and went in their basements. that is why the survival rate was much higher. people heeded the warning, gary, thank you. a man set for death row. hustler magazine writer larry flint wants to stop the man's execution. what franklin has to said about the death row ahead. and also, who should be taking drugs to lower their cholesterol, and a potential flaw in the guidelines. dr. sanjay gupta has more on the guidelines.
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he killed, in the name of white supremacy. you may have heard the name of one of the victims, hustler's larry flint, who is trying to stop his execution. >> i threw the magazine down on the coffee table, i said i'm going to kill that guy. >> reporter: the single drive with joseph paul franklin, murder. his target, larry flint, the founder and publisher of hustle her magazine. which showed this photo spread. >> i saw this photo of an inter racial couple having sex. it just made me sick. >> reporter: franklin, his hatred, his gaze unwavering. he was driven by a hate for jews, blacks, any whites associated with them. he was a sniper, carrying his rifle and scope in guitar cases. in st. louis, he gunned down
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gerald jordan. in madison, wisconsin, a young interracial couple. in cincinnati, ohio, children were not spared. 13 and 14-year-old cousins. even civil rights leader, vernon jordan, shot with franklin's rifle, but survived. larry flint was a target for the white supremacist. >> yeah, i hunted him down. >> you remember the shots ringing out? >> yes, well, just sort of like a hot poker hitting me in my stomach. >> reporter: flint will never forget march 6 as he walked to a courthouse, facing obscenity charges, the shots coming from a distance. flint, barely escaping the shots that struck him. he would never walk again. by the time the police arrested franklin in 1980, at least 22
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people were dead. days away from his execution, franklin spoke to me from death row about his three-year killing spree. >> three years, the time jesus was on his mission from the time he was 30 to 33. >> reporter: and what was your mission? >> well, to try to get a race war started. >> reporter: franklin showed me a tattoo, dated with time. you can still make out that it is a grim reaper. >> reporter: do you think you're a hero to the race groups? >> well, that is what they tell me, i would rather people like me than not like me. i would rather be loved than hated. >> reporter: even though they're the nazi parties, and other groups, do you feel any hate looking at me? >> looking at me? >> reporter: i'm not white. >> yeah, but i have no feeling whatsoever, hatred toward you, especially not a female. you know what i mean.
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>> reporter: you shot plenty of women? >> yeah, i know, i know, that is true. you have got a point. >> reporter: franklin says he is no longer a racist, that he was wrong and sorry for his crimes. he now wants mercy, fighting his upcoming execution any way he can. there is almost no one in his corner, except? if you could stop it would you stop it? >> oh, yes, i would say put him in prison for the rest of his life. >> reporter: why? principle. he is against the death penalty. amazingly, flint has filed a lawsuit trying to stop his own shooter's death, but don't mistake all of this for mercy. is that how you see this, that you're forgiving him? >> i'm not showing him anything, if it was not joseph paul franklin and some other person that shot me my feelings would be the same. >> reporter: and what does franklin think about the man who he tried to kill but has never met and is now fighting for his
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life? >> my old pal, larry. >> reporter: i'm pretty sure he wouldn't refer to you as "your old pal". >> i like larry. >> reporter: but it seems even that wouldn't stop what awaits franklin. >> most people out there are heading for a burning hell and they don't know it. >> reporter: do you think something lies for you on the other side on november 20th? >> yeah, it is not a burning hell. i'm serving the lord. >> reporter: i think we're about out of time. >> well, let's not say that. you just -- >> reporter: time is important to you now, isn't it? >> oh, yeah, yeah, it has been for a long time. and maybe we'll meet again sometime. >> reporter: kyung lah joins me now, this is really fascinating that you were there. did he seem sorry about the killings? because he didn't seem to be during the interview. >> reporter: yeah, it was really apparent, he would say the words, but certainly he didn't show it. now, he has had 30 years to think about it. but certainly that apparent sadness was not visible on his
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face. >> and i know you have news out of the governor's office regarding the execution. what have you heard? >> reporter: what we have heard out of the governor's office this evening, in fact, is request for clemency out of the governor's office has officially been denied. the court, he has filed with the district security, but as of this airing right now nothing is stopping november 20th. he is scheduled to be executed at 12:01. >> kyung lah, thank you for joining us. and more on what could affect millions, dr. sanjay gupta joins us next. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people.
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>> tonight, a leading cardiologist has called for statins to be delayed. two harvard medical school professors found major flaws in the calculator, they told "the new york times" that the study could lead to millions being overtreated. they defended their work in a
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news conference today. i will be joined by our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. what do you make that they're saying about the calculator? >> well, they have been saying it for a while now, the calculator has been in the works for a few years now. basically, what happened in the last several days they greatly expanded a group of people who should be recommended the statin drugs. so if you have diabetes, type 1 or 2, you would be recommended a statin drug, if you have heart disease of any kind, you would be recommended a statin. if your bad cholesterol is above 190, you would be recommended the statin, 10 years of having heart disease, at 7%, that is the one drawing the confusion. what people are focused on. if you put the numbers in on a risk calculator, for a 60-year-old man who has basically normal numbers,
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cholesterol below 200, for example, he would meet the criteria, he would be recommended the statin drug, even though he has relative normal numbers. i'm 44 now, pretty good numbers, my risk is low, around 1%. but if i do everything right over the next 20 years, my cholesterol stays fine, my blood pressure stays fine, i don't smoke or become diabetic, then my risk goes up to 8%, and i would be recommended a statin, why should the people get statins if their numbers look pretty good. >> as you know, i have been on statins, because my dad passed away at 50. i'm hoping to live to an older age, people tweeted the side effects, muscle pain, i never experienced that or the like. what could be the side effects?
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>> sometimes i think they're casually dismissed. the muscle pain can be so profound people don't exercise or move around as much, which is exactly the thing you want them to do to help to lower their cholesterol levels and heart disease, people can have memory loss problems, which means it may not come over suddenly. but over time you realize your memory is not as good as it was. the data -- that seems to agree with that. >> i actually have a terrible memory, that may actually be the statins. >> i don't want to diagnosis over the air, but it could be the cause, keep in mind, 36 million people take these drugs now. you're over one of them it. it could go to over 70 million people, and one of the things, people believe we're waving the white flag on exercise and diet. >> bottom line you have to talk to your doctor.
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>> this could start the conversation with your doctor, i don't think you should take them carte blanche. >> that does it for us now, hope you join us, go to ac, and "piers morgan starts now." this is piers morgan live. thank you for joining us, george zimmerman back in trouble with the law. we'll have the latest. also, more on toronto's crack mayor. the story just gets weirder and weirder. listen to what rob ford said on his own tv show, just moments ago. >> i'm not stepping down, i'm not an alcoholic, i'm not a drug addict. >> you are, though, endlessly entertaining. tonight, i'll tal


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